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By Dan Adovasio Email:c5dan@c5registry.com

The baton has been passed.  Jake and I recently had the good fortune to attend David Hill’s retirement party in Detroit.  I was not real keen about going to Detroit at the end of January.  (You see, I’m lounging by my pool typing this on my lap top and it’s about 77 degrees here in sunny Florida.)  I may not be the smartest cracker in the pack, but I know that it is very cold up there and I wouldn’t go for just anyone, but this was a once in a life time occasion.

Left to Right: Dan Adovasio, David Hill, Jake DrennonDavid has been the Chief Engineer and Vehicle Line Executive for Corvette since 1993.  During this time he has brought out the multiple award winning C5 Corvette, the C5 Z06, the new C6 Corvette and the most powerful 505 Horse Power C6 Z06 ever produced!  He is an Engineer’s Engineer!   He understands the concept of balanced performance.  Not just raw horse power, but its relationship to mass and its correlation to your pocketbook.  He took Corvette from a power sprinter and formed it into a powerful nimble world class leading sports car with the most bang for the buck.

With the support of Corvette’s return to racing, he put the Sport into America’s sports car.  He watched over Corvette’s Racing from its infancy in 1998 to its world class dominance today. He has accomplished a tremendous amount, and he is one of the hardest working Chief Engineers I’ve ever met.  But he didn’t work just to work.  He worked because he had a love and a deep passion to produce the very best sports car in the world, and yet make it affordable. Quite a feat when you think about it. The C6 Coupe does 180 miles per hour, lists for under 50 grand, and gets almost 30 miles to the gallon on the highway!  Better mileage, I might add, than most of Toyota’s product line.  His attention to detail is legendary through the Halls of Corvette.  His mission was to make Corvette the very best and he refused to compromise in achieving that goal.  

But David Hill’s passion went even further.  He attended an untold number of Corvette Shows around the country and even around the world and always managed to find time to talk and visit with customers one on one wherever he went.  He was on a constant quest to make sure that his Corvettes were meeting his customers’ needs.  He liked talking to the enthusiasts and the enthusiasts liked talking to him.   

But enough about the public David Hill.  I have known David since 1997 when we first met during the beginning days of the Registry and I am proud to say that I have had a great relationship with him ever since. He always made time to sit and chat with me when I know he had a million other concerns on his mind.  Our members know he was always there for the Registry whenever we needed him to speak at a dinner or talk about the latest Corvette innovations.  He had a dedication to Corvette enthusiasts and its customers that was way above anyone I have ever met at GM. 

David, you are one heck of an engineer, but more than that, you are a great friend! I wish the best to you and your lovely wife Karen as you prepare for your next step down life’s path.   I can’t thank you enough for all you and Karen have done for me and the Official C5/C6 Registry.

On behalf of all our members we want to say a BIG C5/C6 REGISTRY THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU’VE DONE FOR US THROUGH THE YEARS!

The new Chief Engineer for Corvette is a 57 year old Pittsburg native, Tom Wallace.  I had a chance to meet Tom at David’s retirement party and I know that Corvette enthusiasts will not be disappointed.  Tom’s background with GM started with the Buick Motor Car Division.  His early success was the Buick Grand National Turbo program where they gave him the nickname “Turbo Tom”.  Up until now he has been working for the GM Truck Group and was instrumental in bringing out the HOT New Chevrolet Trail Blazer SS, one of the HOTTEST SUVs out there with a 395 HP LS2 Vette motor!  He was also deeply involved in bringing out one of my favorite vehicles, the Chevrolet SSR also with the 400 HP LS2 engine.  Jake Drennon Left...Tom Wallace on Right

Tom is no stranger to performance engineering. He likes HORSE POWER and knows how to use it!  Tom is also a racer. (My kind of guy!) He has raced in IMSA (International Motor Sports Association) in the late 70’s, competing in the 12 hours of Sebring and the grueling 24 Hours of Daytona.  Today he still races SCCA and has won twice the GT1 Championship at Waterford Hills.  Tom has ALL the qualifications for the job and I KNOW that Corvette is poised for a fabulous future ahead under his leadership!  

Tom, we look forward to seeing you at the Birthday Bash this year, and we couldn’t be happier having you as the newest Chief Engineer of Corvette.

C5Ya! Dan

C5Ya! Dan


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